Local dad on a mission to brighten days of special needs kids with some fancy wheels
Posted Monday, July 17, 2017CENTERVILLE, Ohio (WKEF/WRGT) - A Miami Valley dad is a mission to make the day of special needs children with the help of some fancy wheels.
Blair Cornell's 6-year-old son Carter was born with Dandy-Walker Syndrome, a brain malformation affecting his development. It's a reality that can sometimes frustrate Carter. His dad remembers one day last year specifically.
"He was having a hard day," Blair Cornell said. "He was really aggravated and couldn't get into that happy place again."
So Cornell had this idea. He asked Carter if he wanted to ride in daddy's convertible.
"It was just like a light switched inside his head," Cornell said. "I fired up the car and he said, 'let's go fast daddy.' And I said alright buddy, here we go!"
Cornell said as he looked back at his son, he saw pure unbridled happiness and not a care in the world.
"That's what gave me the idea for JoyRide," Cornell said. "There's got to be more kids out there that would have this same relief in life to be able to hang around these cars."
So Cornell went to work, setting up the JoyRide charity through The Dayton Foundation. The idea is to give kids with special needs the chance to ride in and experience high-end cars.
"Very rarely are they the ones that get to be the center of attention for the good, rather than the bad and it's their turn," Cornell said." They get to be the big shots."
Right now the first event for JoyRide is August 26 at Austin Landing. Cornell says they're hoping for around 50 kids and are still looking for applicants. They're also looking for volunteers ranging from high-end car owners to people willing to be hosts for the kids, or register them when they arrive. For more information, you can go their website at
You can also follow them on social media:
Facebook: JoyRide Cars
Twitter: @JoyRideCars
Instagram: @JoyRideCarsOrg

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