NRK Hogan Insurance
3639 Rigby Rd Dayton, OH 45342
Safeco has been protecting individuals and families with personal insurance coverage since 1923. When it comes to some of your biggest investments, like your home, car or maybe even your boat, we know that trust matters. From the smallest fender-bender to a storm-damaged home, we’re standing ready at life’s trying moments. Safeco is here for you at any time and any day of the week.
Phone: (937) 222-4666

Our Partners
Austin Landing offers the community an unparalleled collection of restaurants and daily shopping needs. From daily grocery and home good needs to specialty gifts, Austin Landing has put together an exceptional mix of amenities to live, work or just visit Austin Landing. Combining daily shopping needs like grocery and home goods with quality local retail and service providers such as a hair salon and a nail spa with a wide variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner restaurants, perfect for any occasion, budget and appetite. Austin Landing is the “go to” hub for entertainment, shopping and eating in the Cin-Day corridor.